Nitro User Manual Finished!

I’m pleased to announce that the Nitro User Manual is (finally) finished. If you have suggestions for topics or corrections, please email me at

You can view the manual online here:

It is only in English, but I made it in HTML so you can use your browser to translate the text, though the images will not be converted, of course.

What’s coming in 2025.1

This is a list of the improvements that will ship in 2025.1.

# New Features:
* Batch Auto Enhance – using the Batch menu on iOS and via the menus on Mac.
* Duplicate Mask and Duplicate + Invert Mask.
* New Auto Black in Levels and Curves with a setting to switch back to the old algorithm.
* Option to show photo counts for albums in the photo library – You can turn this on in Settings
* Add Sort options for the sidebar.

# Usability:
* iOS: when brushing and zoomed in, you can now use the trackpad to pan around the image.
* Add Flag and Favorite commands to the Batch menu on iOS, and also to the contextual menu (iOS and Mac)
* Do not show a disclosure control for empty folders in file system and photo library
* Mac: Add more commands to the Image menu when in Edit
* Add Copy Edits, Copy Special, and some other commands to the contextual menu when in Edit
* Add Switch R/J to the contextual menu in Edit (and to the Image menu on Mac).
* Show status bar on iPhone in portrait screen orientation.
* Do not enable Show Original unless you are in Edit and fix some cases where Show Original got “stuck”

# Miscellaneous:
* Improved Auto Enhance algorithm with less vibrancy and better handling of overexposed images.
* Fix several bugs with window preservation on Mac.
* Fix a lot of bugs with Crop, especially for images that are rotated by the user.
* Enable the Origin and Size fields for crop
* Fix bugs when brushing while zoomed in.
* Improve adjustment performance in some cases when in zoom.
* macOS 15.2 broke tagging for files in iCloud Drive. I have implemented a workaround.
* Fix various bugs with sampling colors and hues when the image is cropped.
* Fix: when in zoom and the image is cropped, if you move the sliders, the image would sometimes become blurry.
* Major performance improvement when rating a lot of images in the file system.
* Turning off standard raw development now also turns off Apple lens correction
* Fix two crashes.

The Blog is Back…

I’m starting up the blog again to give people a little more insight into what’s going on with the apps. Since I do not want to inundate you with emails, I will update the blog (occasionally) instead. If you have an RSS reader, you can get automatically notified when new posts go up. The feed is

I am getting close to releasing the next version of Nitro, which will be 2025.1. It has a mix of new features, usability, performance, and bug fixes [which is the norm for my updates]. I have been releasing new versions more frequently recently, after a lull in the fall (which was due to pressing personal matters). My goal is to send out new versions every 2 months on average. Monthly updates are too frequent to add features of consequence – there is a lot of overhead in shipping new versions, so there is a tension between getting “real” work done and getting software to you. Hopefully that cadence + this blog will satisfy people’s desire for software and news.

As far as RAW Power goes, there will be an update to RAW Power with the 2025.2 version of Nitro that has some camera support and bug fixes.