Nik Bhatt

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  • in reply to: Adding an Non System Photo Library #101810
    Nik Bhatt

    Another way to manage multiple libraries (especially when dealing with iCloud) is to create a separate user on your Mac. The iCloud library might be one user and the non-iCloud library might be a different user. You can switch between users faster than you can switch between libraries!

    Nik Bhatt

    Sorry TN – I didn’t see your response until Erik’s appeared.

    While you are right that LR doesn’t copy the files, they maintain a database and only images that are imported are visible. That’s why they have issues when the original images move around.

    You have a few choices:
    • You could import everything into the Files’ side of your iPad. Since you have a lot of photos, I would not do that since RAW Power doesn’t support hierarchies yet.

    • You can import into Photos – you then get access to iCloud Photo Library if you want it. But it sounds like you don’t care for storing things in the cloud (it helps when your iPad is running out of space, but Apple provides very limited control over what is on your device and what is in the cloud). Photos also provides some amount of organization, though it doesn’t let you create folders on iOS (it will show them, but you can’t make them on iOS). You didn’t mention if you have a Mac, which would affect the answer somewhat (given the presence of Photos for Mac [and RAW Power for Mac]).

    The Files side of RAW Power is immature – I was able to implement the minimum so that people had some options for working with images outside of Photos, but it needs to be bulked up considerably.

    I hope to have a way to move images between Files and Photos (carrying editing data) at some point, though I don’t know how well it will handle many thousands of images being moved around [in part because I haven’t started working on that feature].

    Nik Bhatt


    Your dream is reasonable. However, any time you use a “library” or “shoebox” style of app, especially on iOS, it’s going to copy the files into its container. So that’s why Photos does that (as well as Lightroom). It wants to make sure the files are always available and there are other technical reasons why it greatly simplifies the implementation (and therefore the reliability). Managing a single file here or there externally is not a problem – it’s the hierarchies and such that get a little crazy.

    RAW Power currently copies the files as well. That is a temporary limitation that I plan to lift in a future release, where files can either be copied (which is essential for SD cards when they aren’t copied ahead of time by the user) and referenced in place (as you would like). I’d also like to support folders and such things, but that also creates a set of headaches that the current implementation side steps. In general, referenced file implementations are notoriously difficult to get right and the feature set that people want makes it a considerable investment in time.

    For example, you mentioned wanting to move the files to another drive and have everything be visible. When files move to different drives (and different folder structures), apps then need features to smartly reconnect them. If you ever saw the reconnect interface in Aperture, it is a real bear. Lightroom on the desktop sort of throws up its hands at that case. Reconnecting also requires moving / renaming / synching the sidecar and database files which is hard to get right. None of the features by itself are intractable, it’s the combination that takes time (and the error cases – when moving files around, one has to handle file name collisions which mess up the connection to sidecars etc.)

    There certainly may be apps already available that do what you want, though I’m not aware of them. If you want to use RAW Power for this, then I do plan to get there, sooner rather than later.

    in reply to: Watermark #101099
    Nik Bhatt

    Not right now, but it’s a very high priority feature for an upcoming release (not the 3.1 release which is about to go into beta but I plan to put it in the one following that).

    in reply to: UI fine tuning for sliders #100643
    Nik Bhatt

    Yes, I’ve noticed the same thing about the detent. The next version (3.1) has a better approach to managing the detent / haptic for the center point of sliders.

    in reply to: Perspective – black area display #100641
    Nik Bhatt

    I will take a look to see if it is straightforward to change the additional area’s color. I don’t think there is a better way to crop when you use the scale factor slider other than to just drag to the corners.

    in reply to: Make images pop #100630
    Nik Bhatt

    You are correct camera default presets are not in the iOS app. I’ll make a note to see what would be involved to get them working on iOS.

    in reply to: UI fine tuning for sliders #100576
    Nik Bhatt

    I can see why it might be fiddly to use the “gear down” mode with a pencil (dragging down and then dragging left and right). But I am unclear about what you mean by fine control vs. a workaround. How (specifically) would you like it to work with a pencil?

    in reply to: UI fine tuning for sliders #100520
    Nik Bhatt

    In RAW Power for iOS, there is a way to slow down the sliders but not on the Mac (it’s more difficult to do something like this on Mac just because of how sliders are implemented by Apple on the two platforms).

    Until I figure a straightforward way to do that, you can use the data entry interface. To do that, double-click on the value (on the right of the slider). You can either enter a value or you can use the up / down arrow keys with various modifiers (shift / option, etc.) to nudge the values. Option-arrow changes the values very slowly.

    I would not expect a lag after 20-30 images, but perhaps there is an overuse of memory. I will have to look into it. Please do this:
    Open Activity Monitor
    Find RAW Power
    Click on the Memory tab at the top of the window
    What is RAW Power showing for memory use when you are seeing performance issues? Also, how much memory (RAM) do you have?


    in reply to: Export from Photo Library #100514
    Nik Bhatt

    There is no direct path on the Mac to export to the Photos library. The need for that on iOS is more critical than on Mac because it’s hard to move files around on iOS. That’s why the feature exists on iOS. Since it’s easy to export to, say, the desktop and then drag directly into a Photos album, I didn’t see an urgent need to add that feature to the Mac. It’s on the list for the future (at some point) though.

    in reply to: Cropping Issue #100403
    Nik Bhatt


    The sluggishness of the crop tool is a known issue. I need to work on its responsiveness. Sorry it’s frustrating.


    in reply to: Make images pop #100368
    Nik Bhatt

    Deepen is analogous to Highlights.
    Lighten is similar to shadows.
    Highlights and Shadows can affect contrast (especially shadows). On the other hand, Deepen and Lighten maintain overall image contrast.

    I would not say that Deepen negates Shadows, because Shadows works on the left (dark) part of the histogram and Deepen works on the right (light) part of the histogram.

    Black Point is not related to either. Black Point is the definition of black (zero). If you raise or lower the black point, it will affect any adjustment that works on the shadows or darker parts of the image.

    in reply to: Trouble exporting #100354
    Nik Bhatt

    Hi Erik,

    Yes, I just noticed this as well today. If you drag select in the grid, and none of the images has the double-border (the primary selection), then the app gets confused. In the screenshot you sent me, all of the images have the same thin selection border. I will try to fix that in 3.1.

    in reply to: Trouble exporting #100352
    Nik Bhatt

    Hi Erik,

    Yes, I just noticed this as well today. If you drag select in the grid, and none of the images has the double-border (the primary selection), then the app gets confused. In the screenshot you sent me, all of the images have the same thin selection border. I will try to fix that in 3.1.

    in reply to: Keywords #100236
    Nik Bhatt

    Yes, keywords and other things are certainly possible in the File Browser. it’s something I have been thinking about it, but other features have taken precedence.

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