Nik Bhatt

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  • in reply to: Behaviour Smart Albums ??? #130056
    Nik Bhatt

    Smart Albums in Nitro are visible in Photos, but not in the Photos Smart Album area. In Photos, they appear in the Nitro folder. That’s because Apple does not allow apps to make Photos smart albums. I’m sure that was confusing. I’ll try again: Smart Albums in Nitro are regular Photos albums (like ratings albums), but they are treated specially in Nitro. Smart Albums made in Nitro appear in Photos with a weird series of letters and numbers. That’s expected (and has to do with the silliness I have to go through to make a “smart album” that’s not a true smart album.

    You can’t remove an image from a Nitro smart album. You can only delete images from smart albums. This is also true for Photos Smart Albums (try it). That’s because a smart album must provide the correct search results.

    in reply to: Name games #130053
    Nik Bhatt

    Nothing I can really do about it right now (other than not call the app Nitro).

    in reply to: Perspective Correction and Keywords #130051
    Nik Bhatt

    Some apps may be able to read/write keywords in the library, but they are probably sold outside the App Store. Inside the App Store, apps are prohibited from accessing keywords (as keyword access is a private function in Photos).

    in reply to: feature request: closing tabs #130033
    Nik Bhatt

    That feature exists in the app. Go to Settings and look for Configure Editing Options. There is a button there. You can rearrange adjustments and also choose “Auto Collapse” to get the behavior you described.

    in reply to: Perspective Correction and Keywords #130031
    Nik Bhatt

    I hope to add keywords to the Finder part of the app in the future. I need to figure out a few things first.

    I cannot support keywords in Photos, even though Mac Photos lets you add them. That’s because Apple does not allow apps on the Mac App Store (yes, that’s right) to read or write keywords.

    In general, I try to avoid implementing features on only one “half” of the app because it’s very confusing to people (especially when keywords are available inside the Photos app).

    As far as Perspective goes, I suggest trying the vertical and horizontal sliders – that is an easy way to correct perspective.

    in reply to: Edge Aware Masking Brush #130016
    Nik Bhatt

    The screenshot did not come through, so I cannot comment on it. Edge Aware has to walk a fine line to detect edges while not getting tripped up by slight variations in color and texture that are always present in natural images.

    in reply to: First image in folder is sometimes corrupted #130002
    Nik Bhatt

    I don’t know. If you want to send me a file (before opening it in Affinity), I can take a look. Please email and I can send you instructions for uploading (I don’t want to put that into a public forum to avoid spam).

    in reply to: Very slow RAW previews? #129995
    Nik Bhatt

    Please email and I can work with you directly.

    in reply to: Very slow RAW previews? #129996
    Nik Bhatt

    Please email and I can work with you directly.

    in reply to: Very slow RAW previews? #129991
    Nik Bhatt

    I have not seen such poor performance before. Are you using the Photo library or the Finder for these images? Also what camera model are you using?

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by Nik Bhatt.
    in reply to: Ratings are missing #129981
    Nik Bhatt

    Sorry to hear that. It depends on where the ratings are stored. Did you apply the ratings in RAW Power, or in a different app?

    If you applied them in RAW Power, then you will need to make a sidecar file that Nitro can read. You can do that selecting images in RAW Power and using File > Export Nitro XMP Sidecar.

    That export feature is best used for small groups of files (not hundreds or thousands) – I did not implement a progress dialog, etc. I suggest testing it with a few files first. I hope to add progress and such in the future to RAW Power for exporting sidecars.

    in reply to: Edit in other application #129948
    Nik Bhatt

    The contextual menu could use some additional options. Glad you found it.

    in reply to: Shortcuts/Services or Automator workflows ? #129946
    Nik Bhatt

    Hi Ben,

    I have not done any work on Services or Shortcuts. I plan to at some point. If there are things you think would be useful to a lot of people, please email me at so I can keep a list.

    in reply to: spot/wire removal followed by clone tool #129937
    Nik Bhatt

    Mike said that the Spot / Wire removal tool didn’t give him good results and the clone tool did not allow him to fix it. I explained why the clone tool did not fix it. I know that the Spot / Wire removal tool has limitations. That said, it works on a lot of cases. If you look at the UI, it says I’m working on a new one.

    in reply to: Spot/wire removal indicator #129933
    Nik Bhatt

    You’re right. I will work on fixing that. It won’t be in the next update (that’s basically locked down), but the next one will probably have an improved cursor.

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