Show label and color class in File and photos browser

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  • #130396
    Gary D

    When using Nitro to browse images in a file system window it shows the color user tags assigned at the OS / finder level (extended attribute)
    The using the Photo Library browse it doesn’t show the color pip.
    Rather than using the MACOS extended attribute it would be helpful for Nitro to use the pict ‘Label’ and ‘color class’ values instead. The color tag would then be consistent in both the Nitro File browser as well as the Photos library browser.
    There doesn’t see to be a consistent definition of what the color tag values should be, ( Arpeture used different colors / labels, than the Adobe products, than On1, PhotoMechanic, ….)
    So I would also look to have a Settings option to assign both the color value and text label to each of the 8 Color Class Values.

    I use the color calls as part of my workflow.. For new images ( scanned neg and digital cameras) I’ll go through a group of images and set all the Meta data. ( using Photomechanic now). Any images I want to do editing on I mark as Color Class 1 ( Red in my case). I’ll select the the “red” images and then pass them along to my editing software (Lightroom at the moment). Since I have my photo browser kick off Nitro with a group of images I have to use The File Browser in Nitro to navigate to the directory with all images. Since Nitro doesn’t show the ColorClass I can’t see which of the images in the directory need to be edited.

    Thanks for fixing displaying the star ratings by the way. I use that for a different purpose and it’s helpful to see that in the File Browser now.

    Gary D

    Nik Bhatt

    Hi Gary,

    It sounds like you have a good technical understanding of how labels work (stored in extended attributes). The app does indeed use the extended attribute API to read and write tags. That is because that is the only API that works on both Mac and iOS.

    However, I am unclear about the problem you are seeing. The app is storing the string for the label and it is reading the color + the label name from the system to provide the UI.

    Strings are the only way labels work in the Finder (color is not actually stored as part of the file’s tag – just the tag name). Nitro uses the same names as the Finder. If you add tags to the Finder (or change names), the app will use them (you have to quit and reopen the app for it to read those though).

    Gary D

    Hello Nik. Not a problem a request. I was asking for Nitro to show the ColorClass from the image metadata rather than the Color tag assigned at the finder / file system level. The color class would be available in the meta data for both images in the file systems as well as or images in the Photo Library. ( assuming the ColorClass was set before importing into Photos app


    Gary D.

    Nik Bhatt

    If you are referring to the Color Class that PhotoMechanic uses, I will have to think about how to support that. That would conflict with Finder Tags (you could conceivably have both and showing two different color tags is going to be confusing. “Preferences are the solution to everything” and also the cause of many problems and complexity.

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