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Nik Bhatt
Unfortunately, the app does not have a feature to open a tab when picking a specific picture. I’ll put that on the list to do.
In the meantime, you can create multiple tabs of the same folder (press Cmd-T) and then you can have images in different tabs that way. It’s not the same thing, I know, but I thought I would mention it.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterYes, I’d like to do that. What kind of control over the filter are you looking for? For example, are you just trying to apply a graduated filter to the image, or are you trying to use it as a mask for, say, tint, or sharpening, etc?
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterI have looked at other apps – Lightroom (the new one) also uses the “long side” concept. Lightroom Classic offers six choices, including short side, long side, and width+height. There isn’t anything about their UI that makes anything more clear.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterI’m not aware of any. I may release more simulations in the future, including the Acros variants, but I don’t have anything ready right now.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterThat’s definitely a bug – I will look into it.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterIt’s certainly possible. I did it this way because I found the interface with two boxes to be very confusing. What happens if I enter into only one field, or what happens if I have two images, one portrait and one landscape. It’s possible to play with an app with this interface to try to figure out what it is going to do, but that’s more indicative of a bad design. So, if I were to add something like this, the interface would have to be very clear (and I don’t know what that would be).
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterYes, you are correct. There is a spacing issue that resulted in this limitation – to fix it I would need to re layout the whole panel. What kind of mouse are you using?
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterSyncing is planned. Right now, the best way to do it yourself is to copy the presets to iCloud or use AirDrop. Then you can select the presets on the other device. Not ideal, but import and export of presets and LUTs is supported on both iOS and Mac.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterIt applies lens correction for some cameras automatically. There is a checkbox to disable lens correction in the RAW processing adjustment.
RAWs automatically have a variety of development parameters applied to them, including boost, which is set to maximum by default. Other settings, like noise reduction and RAW sharpen are calculated and applied by Apple’s decoder (and RAW Power shows the value that Apple’s engine is using).
If you want a bare-bones RAW, then you would want to move the sliders to the left (except Black Point). You can make that a “camera preset,” which is a regular preset with the “camera” checkbox applied.
When you do that, then every time you open an image in Edit for that camera, RAW Power will apply that preset. That preset can have whatever you want in it, including, say, Curves.
Nik Bhatt
Congratulations on your Q2! This is a known limitation of Apple’s decoder – it does not respect crop modes. I will probably have to read the data and add my own crop. That’s on the “to do” list for the future.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterUnfortunately, there isn’t a way to make multiple versions of an image with RAW Power. There is no duplicate command in RAW Power because Apple does not provide a way for apps to duplicate an image that fully preserves all user-entered metadata, like keywords.
In Photos, a duplicate is just a reference to the original, so it doesn’t actually copy the file.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterYes, they can be imported that way, as long as can see the images.
Tap the + button in RAW Power
Then tap on the location on the left of Files to expose the drive.There is a video on the YouTube channel about doing this for SD Cards – the steps are similar.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterI found the problem and have a fix for it. It will be in the next update.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterI’ll have to look into it further. If you arrow to a different photo and then back again, does zoom work? I am wondering if there is some state that needs to be reset.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterI do not know of a way in the user interface to determine which app edited an image last. You could conceivably add a keyword to all Aperture edited images (using that smart album approach I mentioned). Then that will appear in the Info panel (it’s possible there is already a keyword added for Aperture-edited images, but I don’t recall).