Nik Bhatt

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  • in reply to: How to purchase #129820
    Nik Bhatt

    I did not add a way to purchase the app before the trial is over. I should do that but I didn’t want to bug people every launch or so. I’ll see what I can do. Because the trial is completely unlocked, I figured it wasn’t critical (since you don’t get additional functionality by buying it).

    • This reply was modified 12 months ago by Nik Bhatt.
    in reply to: Add metadata #129819
    Nik Bhatt

    Hi Ben,

    Right now the app doesn’t have the ability to write metadata out.

    Are you asking about adding / removing some of the metadata in the ExifTool view, or in the regular view?

    in reply to: spot/wire removal and clone tools revert #129818
    Nik Bhatt

    Yes, that makes sense. BTW: if you have a trackpad or a Magic Mouse, you can pan that way as well (move your finger on top of the mouse’s surface).

    in reply to: Lifetime means … #129802
    Nik Bhatt

    The prices are visible in two places:
    1) If you download the app and view the prices in the paywall (View Options)
    2) In the App Store description, there is a section called Information with In App Purchases. The prices are listed there.

    Nik Bhatt

    1. Are the edits saved in text in the XMP sidecars (like with Darktable, which is fantastic in this respect)? Hence, there are no huge Edited Copy Files created of the original raw files in edited form? I don’t like unnecessary copies of images stored on disk. Just keep the edits in text in the XMP.

    Yes. Edits are stored in XMP as plain text.

    2. When using with Apple Photos, are the Nitro edits shown in Apple Photos? And if yes, is that only because double the disk space is being consumed in order to keep a full size copy file in the Photos Catalog? Again, as per Question 1, I don’t want that.

    Yes they are visible in Photos.
    And No. It stores a full size JPEG or HEIF, but not a full size RAW or TIFF. A full size image is required by Apple.

    3. When the iOS / iPadOS version of Nitro is out, will it also have the ability to work outside of Apple Photos, just like the Mac version, and work directly on the raw files with XMP sidecars to carry the edits in text form, and no duplicate images? This is partly related to your comment here. Will I then be able to do a lot of iPad editing on Nitro when travelling (for months), all the edits sit in small XMP sidecars with the original raw files, then I get home and simply copy over to Mac the entire folders of original raw files plus small XMP sidecars, and open them in Nitro on Mac and see all the edits?

    Yes. You will have to rebuild the preview images that are used in the grid and viewer because the XMP files do not contain that data.

    4. Is what I call the “messy” set of conditions still there, where it is hard to wrap one’s head around when Apple Photos shares the original raw file for external editing, and when it sends a JPEG or other less pure option, …is that still there? You once gave a long and convoluted explanation of this, which I *appreciated*, but struggled to keep in mind when it is or is not happening, because it is invisible to the end user. This messiness contributed to my moving on from Raw Power. My fault, but if you can clarify and simply the situation with Nitro, that would be great.

    If you want full control over your files, then don’t use Photos. I don’t think Photos has changed how it works with external editors. Nitro has an external editor function but only for files not stored in Photos.

    5. Final question: my experience with Raw Power was plagued with crashing. Especially when batching. One case was batching an image edit to a large number (hundreds) of other images. Another case was batching a large number of raw files to an exported format eg JPEG. Can you assure me that those were specific issues that won’t turn up with Nitro too, please?

    No, I cannot (and will not) assure you that there will be no such bugs in the app. RAW Power is much better about that than it used to be, but it’s not perfect. Nitro is not perfect either. Massive batch operations on iOS are generally going to be an issue due to the limited memory model on that platform. That said, I try hard to fix those bugs.

    in reply to: NR in not raw images #129798
    Nik Bhatt

    The luma and color noise reduction is part of Apple’s RAW decoder, and only work for those types of images. Unfortunately, I do not have a way to hook them up for non-RAWs.

    in reply to: spot/wire removal and clone tools revert #129793
    Nik Bhatt

    Glad to hear it.

    in reply to: Can’t wait to try Nitro! #129792
    Nik Bhatt

    Nitro’s auto white balance code is trying to find a patch of color that /should/ be gray, but isn’t. Sometimes it fails to find one (due to limitations in the algorithm). In that case, it cannot find the white balance value and it displays that message.

    in reply to: Lifetime means … #129791
    Nik Bhatt

    Lifetime purchases get all updates for free. There won’t be a break at major versions.

    That’s because Nitro won’t have versions like 1.0, 2.0. It will use a “year.version” notation, like 2024.1 and eventually 2025.1 with continuous improvement.

    in reply to: Upgrade discount from Raw Power? #129789
    Nik Bhatt

    Yes. There is a discount. The way it works is by having RAW Power write a small piece of data to iCloud and then Nitro reads that back. This is the approach recommended to me by Apple’s engineers. However, that requires the customer to be signed into iCloud, etc., so it won’t work in all cases.

    in reply to: Can’t wait to try Nitro! #129779
    Nik Bhatt

    You’re welcome. And, it’s a 1.0, so there is room to grow.

    in reply to: Can’t wait to try Nitro! #129774
    Nik Bhatt

    Great! Thanks!

    in reply to: Converting to black and white #129656
    Nik Bhatt

    Black and White conversions are creative by nature, so there are multiple ways to go about it. RAW Power has four different simple black and white conversion tools you can try:
    1. The Black and White adjustment, which has various color filters.
    2. The Fuji Acros Simulation
    3. Other Black and White LUTs that come with the app
    4. Presets – there are three BW conversions in there as well.

    You can also download LUTs from elsewhere that have nice BW conversions.

    in reply to: Local Editing Features #129624
    Nik Bhatt

    I will have some news to share early in 2024…..

    in reply to: First image in folder is sometimes corrupted #129623
    Nik Bhatt

    When you open the file in Affinity Photo, is the modification date on the file changing? Perhaps Affinity is fixing some damage to the file (or adjusting some data).

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