Behaviour Smart Albums ???

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    When in Nitro using the Photo-Library window, when using the filter-function it will correctly come-up with the selection. When I click “save as Smart Album, it will generate a smart Album in Nitro, however this doesn’t sync with the Photo’s Library. So no Smart Album there.
    When in Nitro and want to remove one picture from the smart album I get a warning that it will be removed from the library and all albums where it was used ?
    So not expecting this behaviour I made a full backup of the relevant pictures. Then removed them in Nitro (first just some of pictures) Afterwards I looked up those pictures in the photo’s-library and luckely they still were there.
    So I deleted the complete smart album in Nitro and all pictures still were available in the Photo’s Library.(So I did not have to use my complete back-up of the Photo’s Library. Oef….)

    (Note: In my first attempt (about a week ago) using the smart album function, it did create something in my Photo’s library, but the titel was a bunch of letters and figures, but not the album name, and the album staid empty.)

    So at this point of time it is as described above.

    So for the time being, to be save, when using the Filter, I select all the pictures and create a normal album, that will sync correctly with the Photos-library

    Nik Bhatt

    Smart Albums in Nitro are visible in Photos, but not in the Photos Smart Album area. In Photos, they appear in the Nitro folder. That’s because Apple does not allow apps to make Photos smart albums. I’m sure that was confusing. I’ll try again: Smart Albums in Nitro are regular Photos albums (like ratings albums), but they are treated specially in Nitro. Smart Albums made in Nitro appear in Photos with a weird series of letters and numbers. That’s expected (and has to do with the silliness I have to go through to make a “smart album” that’s not a true smart album.

    You can’t remove an image from a Nitro smart album. You can only delete images from smart albums. This is also true for Photos Smart Albums (try it). That’s because a smart album must provide the correct search results.


    Thanks Nik for the explanation.
    I was aware of the smart album behavior in Apple Photo’s (deleting), but then again removing photo’s in Nitro smart album did not remove them in Apple Photo’s (which is great)
    I will give it another try with the insights you gave me.


    Hi Nik,

    I did another test, still a bit confused:
    When I create a smart Album, using Nitro with the Photo’s-library, It will create also a smart album in Photo’s, showing up in the Nitro folder (with series of letters and the name). However the photo’s selected and visible in Nitro don’t show up in Apple Photo’s. The smart-album stays empty in Apple Photo’s
    Actually I think this is fine to me, as it enables me to delete the smart album in Nitro, without loosing the photo’s in the photo’s-library. Not sure whether it is intended though.



    Is it ment to be that a Smart album with pictures in Nitro doesn’t show up with the pictures involved in Photo’s? As mentioned above the smart album shows in Photo’s (with a bit of an “encrypted” but recognisable name) in the “Nitro” section but the pictures are not shown. So the album stays empty in Photo’s

    Nik Bhatt

    The “Smart Album” in Nitro is just an empty container with a query attached to it. That’s why it’s empty in Photos – it only gets “filled” when you view it in Nitro, but the images there are transient – they are not added officially to the album. I suppose it could be made more permanent, but that’s not the intent of the feature (since it’s inherently dynamic).

    It is akin to a Smart Folder in the Finder – smart folders are not really folders. They looks like folders in the Finder, but if you cannot use it outside of the Finder (like in an Open Dialog).

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by Nik Bhatt.
    • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by Nik Bhatt.

    Thanks again Nik for this explanation.
    I think I got it now :-).
    It’s fine as it is.

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