Forum Replies Created
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterI’m really sorry you are encountering problems. You should not have to buy the app again.
There is a bug in the app that we missed with restoring purchases. I’m working on it now as fast as I can.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterIn the File Browser, the app only sorts by file date. The main reason is performance – reading the EXIF date is expensive for large folders (especially if you turn on the preference to show subfolders). Because the app doesn’t have an import function or a database for all images, it reads that information each time. I’d like to improve that in the future.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterIn general, edit parameters are not portable between imaging apps from different companies. Shadows + 50% in RAW Power is different from Shadows + 50% in LR. Even White Balance and Exposure use different algorithms.
And the RAW decodes are different, so even if exposure was the same algorithm, Apple and Adobe render the unadjusted RAWs differently so you are starting from different points.
Edits in RAW Power are stored in one of two places. If you use the Photo library, they are stored there and sync over iCloud Photos. If you are using the File browser, then there is no syncing solution; the files are stored in the app’s “sandbox” folder which is buried in your home directory.
Nik Bhatt
1) On the Mac, you can certainly store the photos in Lightroom and edit them in RAW Power. RAW Power can work as a file browser, so if you can point RAW Power to the directory where you store your files, then it can view and edit them. It stores the adjustment data elsewhere (not with the original).
2) The app has some ability to work with a portrait photo. There is an adjustment called Depth Effect, which lets you adjust the highlights and shadows of the foreground and background independently. It also lets you adjust the depth mask so you can control what is “foreground” and what is “background”. It does not allow you to change which portrait mode is used.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterIt’s a known issue. I’m working through it with Apple.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterAre you referring to the straighten slider, or the straighten tool (where you draw a line on the image to straighten it)? When I use the tools, they seem to be smooth, but that will depend on the image and your computer.
As far as how much is zooms in, it zooms in the least it can while showing no black edges. You can use the crop tool after straightening to adjust the area that is visible.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterYes, I would like to improve support for XMP read and write in the future. It’s important to have good interoperability.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterYes, I would like to improve support for XMP read and write in the future. It’s important to have good interoperability.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterYes, I know what you mean and am sorry for the frustration. It’s been on the list to address for a while; because of the way the viewer is built, it’s a much more thorny problem than it would appear at first glance.
One thing I can suggest, lacking the actual feature to hold the zoom, is to take advantage of multiple tabs:
1) make a new tab
2) Pick the same album or folder in the second tab
3) Set the selections in each tab and set the zoom as you like
4) Then you can use Cmd-Shift-] and Cmd-Shift-[ to switch tabs and thus show the two images.Nik Bhatt
KeymasterYou can copy and paste adjustments outside of Edit, either by right-clicking on the Viewer image or on a thumbnail. I just noticed a bug where Copy Adjustments doesn’t get added to the contextual menu in the Viewer in all cases, but I’ll fix that.
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterLUT organization : yes this is something I need to add
Fringe control (green and purple) will be in the next release of the app
Edit In External App is already present. Pick an image and go to the Image menu.
Copy/Paste works by copying any adjustment that has the check-mark next to it. So, in lieu of a UI for copying things, you can briefly uncheck the ones you don’t want before copying.
Other things are mostly on the list to do at some point (except vignette shapes – that is not something I have considered).
There are many sharpeners in the app. Clarity is a type of unsharp mask.Nik Bhatt
KeymasterExport of ratings is easy since there is an IPTC field for that. Import from that field would work as well (but the app is not set up to allow synching of ratings – for example, if you change the rating in another app, RAW Power is not set up to check and update its internal rating. Flags don’t have a home in standard metadata (AFAIK). There isn’t a forum for feature requests; people just post in the help forums or email
Nik Bhatt
I don’t have any immediate plans to sort by label but it’s certainly a worthwhile feature to add.
Export of ratings is planned for the next release; there isn’t a standard place to write out flags (if you know of one, please let me know).
I will see about importing ratings as well.Nik Bhatt
KeymasterPhotos can view different libraries just by dragging the library onto the icon (or using the option key).
However, RAW Power can only open the System Photo Library.
The first thing to check is whether the library you are viewing in Photos is actually the System Photo Library.
To do that, go to Preferences in Photos. Click the System Photo Library which will change that setting.
After doing that, quit and reopen RAW Power.Changing the system photo library can affect how iCloud Photos works. I have a video on the YouTube channel which explains this. (
Nik Bhatt
KeymasterThose kind of complex queries are not currently possible in the app. I would like to add better searching / filtering in general in the future, but I don’t have an ETA for that.