Very slow RAW previews?

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    Just taking Nitro for my first spin and I’m really excited about the possibilities (I’ve been using Raw Power for a couple of years now).

    However one major annoyance I’ve had is working with my Olympus Raw files (.orf). These would generally generate previews immediately in Raw Power (and Apple Photos), but when I open each one in Nitro, it takes 10-20 seconds to render… making it impossible to cull a large shoot. More’s the pity, since I really like the new flag/reject/auto-advance workflow.

    Any idea what might be going on?

    I’m running an m2 mini with 16gm of RAM and not much else running fwiw.


    (and I do have Quick Preview mode enabled)


    Oh and this only seems to affect a newly imported batch of photos. Previously imported ORFs are not a problem.

    Nik Bhatt

    I have not seen such poor performance before. Are you using the Photo library or the Finder for these images? Also what camera model are you using?

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by Nik Bhatt.

    Photos library and an Olympus e-m10 mkii.

    Again no issues with Raw Power.

    Happy to share photos via email if you want to debug.

    Nik Bhatt

    Please email and I can work with you directly.

    Nik Bhatt

    Please email and I can work with you directly.


    Well I left this for a day and now for whatever reason, the previews are near-instant. I’ll keep an eye on things next time I import some raw and I’ll reach out.

    Zac Whitely

    I had a similar issue with my Olympus ORF files. It seemed like I had to go into Edit mode in the individual photo before it’d render. Now it seems to be rendering when I cycle through the photos in the general gallery view, but agree it takes quite a while to render (photos are stretched, and then the thumbnail is generated and the photo goes back to it’s proper aspect ratio).

    Zac Whitely

    Have shot you an email on this one Nik

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