Truncated Folder Names

Home Forums RAW Power for macOS General Discussion Truncated Folder Names

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  • #108325

    I am on Big Sur with the latest ver of RP using the file browser window. My folder names are truncated, is there any way to see the whole folder name? Thank you.

    Nik Bhatt

    This is a bug in 3.1. A fix will be in 3.2.


    Thank you Nik, off topic question. I like using RP in file browser mode, I don’t care for Photos as a DAM. I am wondering about different methods of importing images from SD card to a file based image library on an external disk. I have used the Finder and sometimes Image Capture, just curious as to your workflow. Do you use Photos for a Dam or just a file based system? Thank you.

    Nik Bhatt

    My personal system is a mess. Currently, I import images right into Photos and use both Photos and RAW Power.
    For testing stuff, I usually use the file based system (photos from customers, etc.)
    So, I use both parts of RAW Power!

    Nik Bhatt

    The fix for folder name truncation has shipped in 3.2.

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