Yes it can,
The procedure is different though how you opened the RAW file.
1. when opening from within Apple Photo’s by using the extension, after your edits just click at the “save edits” at the top right of the window.
2. When opening the RAWPower browser and choose “New Photo Library window” you can perform your edits and then click “Done” (it’s at the same place as the “edit” button top right)
3. When you open the raw directly in Raw Power. after editing you can use “File-> export to library”. The photo will be sent to your photo system-library.
Any image you edit with RAW Power in the Photo Library is available in Photos for use with its editing tools (or other extensions). This is true whether you use the extension or the standalone app. You will be editing a JPEG, however. That JPEG is generated by RAW Power and is required by Apple so that other tools can work with a standard format.
Thanks Nik.
By the way, it appears to me that there is one exception to the “rule” that other app’s will use the jpeg (or tiff) after editing with RawPower ?. Affinity Photo will always pick-up the un-edited raw-file in Apple Photo’s, using their extension “edit in Affinity Photo” , at least that is my experience. (but then: Affinity always does, so it doesn’t even remember its own edits made earlier 😞).