Most of the time I use RawPower only for selecting photos after a studio session.
Often I have around 300 – 500 photos (nef, nikon z7). I backup the files to a portabel ssd. From the ssd I import the photos into RawPower. With ios 14 (latest release, Ipad Air 2020) I often get a error message box that some of the photos can‘t be imported because they are missing (>50 photos). But when I import the same photos with the selecting import I have no problem.
My first feature request is a import dialog box with a progress bar.
Perhaps with a button to retry the import when a error occured or a least a log-file with the photo names which had import problems. Also nice would be a message that the import was successful finished.
I use the star rating feature, but would it be possible to have additional rating/selection feature like colors?
I also would like to have a small window with a magnified version of the photo and the possibility to select the source point und the magnifier rate. This would be great to check the sharpness of the photo.
Another great feature would be to have the possiblity to change the filtering menu to a fix panel below of the screen to speed up my work flow.
Best regards