Edit in other application

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  • #129941

    Is it possible to sent a picture, when in browse mode or in edit mode, either in Finder or in Apple photo’s directly to another application ?

    To illustrate. I find at this point in time the clone/spot-healing tool very poor (I know Mik is working on that), so I like to sent a picture directly to Affinity Photo or Pixelmator to use their advance spot/healing or object remove tools.
    Also I like to edit the metadata (especially IPCT for copyright/contact info and /or keywording) directly to Affinity or Graphic convertor, to add (and save to either the finder or even Photo’s-Library) the relevant metadata in the respective catagories.

    In the present situation I have to either
    1. leave the Nitro-photo’s-library-browser and open Apple Photo’s-library to perform such action directly (Edit-> open with).
    2. Export the photo to a finder location and then open that photo via finder to open a Photo-app that supports those functions.(which duplicates/doubles of-course the photo).

    Would be great if sending directly to another application is supported.

    In the help function (Q&A) it is stated (that’s my understanding) that it is possible to open in another application from within Nitro, but I cannot find out how.


    Would be great if sending directly to another application is supported.

    Sorry for troubling you, discovered it can be done with using Menu->Image->Edith with external app. Got stuck in old habits bij right clicking ☺️

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by BenB.
    Nik Bhatt

    The contextual menu could use some additional options. Glad you found it.

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