Reply To: Raw Power/Apple Photos/Affinity Photos workflow help

Home Forums RAW Power for macOS General Discussion Raw Power/Apple Photos/Affinity Photos workflow help Reply To: Raw Power/Apple Photos/Affinity Photos workflow help

Nadeem Ayoob

Affinity won’t be able to read/translate the edits you’ve done in Raw Power. As every app is different, the way they apply changes is different, thus no two apps will be compatible (except from the same company i.e. Lightroom to Photoshop). If you want to edit in Affinity with the changes you’ve applied in Raw Power, you’ll need to export a TIFF of the edited image from Apple Photos, then open that in Affinity. Here is a good article (written by Raw Power’s Nik Baht) about editing RAW images The Ins and Outs of Non-destructive Editing in Photos for Mac and iOS.

  • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Nadeem Ayoob.