Reply To: Some bugs perhaps

Home Forums RAW Power for iOS General Discussion Some bugs perhaps Reply To: Some bugs perhaps


Hi Nik

Thanks for the reply.

Levels should not be crashing; it sounds like something specific to certain images. If you can upload a sample image that crashes, I can look into a fix. Please email and I will send you the URL (I don’t want to publish the URL here on a public-facing website).

This is the same thing happening as last time I reported it in a previous article I posted. I’ll try and find an image that it happens with.

Editing slows down – I’m not sure what you are seeing, so it’s hard for me to determine what the issue is. I have not experience something similar; slider lag usually indicates the GPU is being overdriven, but I would think your machine would be plenty capable enough.

What I’m doing is opening an Album from Photos, and editing an image, then moving onto the next by clicking on the thumbnail strip. I’m working through the album like this for perhaps 12-15 images, without any issues at all, all sliders are operating smoothly and instantly. Then all of a sudden, the sliders move with a lot of lag, I drag one, and then it’ll move after a second or two. This happens with any of the normal sliders, such as Exposure, Saturation, Sharpening, and so on. But the Levels tools works without any lag at all when this happens. Quite strange.

RAW Brick. The sliders provides are determined by Apple based on the format of the file. Depending on the version of DNG you used, you will get different sliders. The preset could have a bug based on that series of steps.

Ok, I kind of expected that might be the case there (apart from the NR bug).

Yes, the crop and straighten tool needs refinement. I’m not happy with it either 🙁

You can get the right result eventually, if you keep trying.

