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Nik BhattKeymaster
Favorites are a Photo Library concept, not a File system concept. I plan to add Favorites the filter when using the Photo Library. The analog of Favorites for the file system would be Flagged.
Nik BhattKeymasterThanks for your suggestion. I have made a note.
Nik BhattKeymasterThanks for your suggestion. I have made a note.
Nik BhattKeymasterAdding a gesture is possible but it may be hard to make one that does not conflict with others (for example a horizontal movement would conflict with swiping from image to image. Or conflict with rating and flagging etc)
Nik BhattKeymasterActually, that’s not what’s happening. There is a bug in Levels where it does not set up the Luminance / EqualRGB button correctly. It’s actually in EqualRGB by default. I’ll make a note about that and figuring out some kind of default.
Nik BhattKeymasterThe Auto Enhance algorithm works differently from the one in Levels/Curves as you have found. It’s possible to extract JUST the Auto Enhance curves effect out, but the idea for Auto Enhance is to apply multiple effects together to produce a good result (such as curves + shadows + vibrancy, etc.). I have not looked into doing that, but I can add it to the list for consideration.
Nik BhattKeymasterThere is no gesture. There is a button on screen on the left side.
Nik BhattKeymasterFirst, ExifTool has different terminology – I don’t know where it comes from. I’m using the same terminology that you will see in Apple’s Preview.
Second, the heart marks a field as a favorite. Then at the top of the list there is another heart button. Click that and you will see the list filtered to just show favorites.
Increased Precision means to show more numbers after the decimal point (the default is just two).
Nik BhattKeymasterThe “four-way control” has the following: Quick Fixes; Presets/LUTs, Sliders, Masking. This is described in the user manual that people kept asking for. You can find the current (incomplete) manual here. I will update it as I go.
Presets and Auto Enhance manipulate other parts of the editing system, including sliders and masking. Yes, everything you do in a preset or auto enhance is represented somewhere else (as is typical for such operations).
Presets save what they need to save. They don’t save unchanged values. Batch operations are the same. However, that is an implementation detail.
On iOS, the standard model is a Select button combined with some other button (Share or Batch in Nitro). On Mac, such things are not necessary. You select items with the mouse + shift / command. Then you pick menu items or right-click to bring up a context menu. Nitro uses the correct user interface paradigm on each platform – you will not find the same controls in the same places.
Nik BhattKeymasterYou can view the program mode – it’s called Exposure Program. That field in EXIF is documented as having the following values (this information is from ExifTool)
0 = Not defined
1 = Manual
2 = Normal program
3 = Aperture priority
4 = Shutter priority
5 = Creative program (biased toward depth of field)
6 = Action program (biased toward fast shutter speed)
7 = Portrait mode (for closeup photos with the background out of focus)
8 = Landscape mode (for landscape photos with the background in focus)I have tested some images shot with Shutter and Aperture priority and the value is reported correctly. You will see “Normal” or “Landscape” sometimes because that’s the official term, not to be confused with Orientation, which might also be Landscape (or Portrait).
There is also something called Exposure Mode, which the app does not currently report, but will in the next update. That has these values: (unfortunately, today the main site for looking at EXIF specifications is down).
Default = none
0 = Auto exposure
1 = Manual exposure
2 = Auto bracket
Other = reservedWhat you see in ExifTool may be different – they are mapping them to different strings – where they get them, I don’t know. For example, I see Program AE in ExifTool, but the value is actually “Normal”
The heart indicates an “exif favorite”. You can use that to reduce the number of items that you see when you hit the EXIF button. That is a different metadata set from the one that appears when you hit Info. That is because a) ExifTool does not run on iOS and b) it is very slow to retrieve data from ExifTool, so I do split the two up.
Nik BhattKeymasterThat’s right.
Nik BhattKeymasterEmail I will need files to study.
Nik BhattKeymasterIf you turn off that check box then they are additive.
Nik BhattKeymasterI don’t know what FilmLab is doing for this conversion so I cannot comment on it. Have you tried the “Negative <-> Positive” preset in Nitro to see how it compares? It’s in the Tone section.
Nik BhattKeymasterMany cameras are not supported by Photos and Apple’s decoder. I have a special (unique) way of extending Apple’s decoder, but it only works in Nitro.
So, if you view an image that is not supported by Photos, you usually get a blank thumbnail, and an error in Edit. However, Nitro can both display the thumbnail and edit.
When you save the edits, Nitro saves a new JPEG into the library with the edits. That you can see in Photos.
You may want to read this article I wrote some time ago. It explains some of this.