Rotating image screws up other functionality

Home Forums Nitro for Mac Rotating image screws up other functionality

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  • #136168
    Ben Dune

    I’m experiencing an issue where, after having rotated an image, various features such as crop and masks behave in weird ways.

    For example, I rotate then crop. When I clock away from the image and then click back onto it, the crop location has shifted

    Likewise with masks. Trying to place a radial mask on a rotated image and the mask overlay does not sit within the outline, moves in different directions to the outline, and then ultimately applies the edit to a completely different location to where I placed the mask.

    Nik Bhatt

    There is a bug with radial masks and crop. It’s quite a difficult one to fix, as it turns out.

    However, I am not aware of an issue with the crop location moving with just rotation applied. Please post (or email support) with steps so I can look into it.


    Ben Dune

    No worries. What is the bug with the radial mask?

    I’ll try and get a screen recording of my issue to show you.

    Nik Bhatt

    When you apply crop, the radial mask on-screen control is not in the correct position.

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