Raw Power Future Suggestion

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    Dear Nik,

    You did a great job with Raw Power 2.0 (for MacOS) which I studied for a few days, especially what concerns Editing. Now I would like to suggest several enhancements for the next versions, in order to have a more complete Stand-Alone version. I have to admit that I (still) am an avid Aperture user with more than 500 GB of referenced Aperture Libraries and desperately looking for an Aperture replacement (not Lightroom because of the License conditions). Now what I would like to see (but you probably cannot provide the same enhancements also to the IOS platform):

    1. Raw Power for MacOS should offer Keywording & Search Features if it is used as a Stand-Alone Version without Photos.
    2. Raw Power should enable Captions & Descriptions and show them in the Info Panel
    3. Renames in Finder should be possible
    4. It would be nice to show and list (unmodified) mp4 and mov files (even Photos does do that) – in order to have a complete show
    5. Enable Drag & Drop to iMovie in order to make good slideshows

    All the above would make Raw Power an almost full-fledged Aperture replacement (apart from Aperture Projects and several other minor things). Do you think
    Raw Power can get along in the long run without a real cataloging database?

    Nick, keep up the good work! And, for all the above mentioned enhancements I would be willing to pay a fair price 🙂
    Regards, regixkn

    Nik Bhatt

    Hi regixkn,

    Thanks for the feedback and your thoughts on future improvements to the app.

    Some of these things are definitely possible (on both Mac and iOS). Some are already on iOS.

    The biggest issue right now is that the Mac and iOS versions use different sources of information and those sources have different capabilities.

    iOS has full library access, but it is also limited by what Apple provides to developers. For example, keywords, captions, and descriptions are not provided.
    The standalone Mac version does not have library access. It can read keywords, etc., but lacks a database to store that information.

    iOS shows videos, Mac doesn’t. That was a deliberate decision based on the two data sources, but videos will probably get added to Mac.

    Drag and Drop would be a useful feature. It didn’t make this version due to time constraints.

    Can RAW Power get along without a real database? Sure. However, some features are difficult to implement or impractical without one.

    I have written a blog post on the blog asking people who use / used Aperture what features they feel are most needed in RAW Power. Please vote!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Nik Bhatt.
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