Preset settings option

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  • #135963
    Ingvar Thorsson

    Currently if you include a section from the sliders menu into a preset, it will include the value defined by all sliders within that section, including any untouched sliders with their default settings. This makes it very difficult to create presets with limited and well defined scope, such as “Exposure + 0.3” or “Contrast 1.1” something I find very useful.
    Would it be possible to implement an option that allows that just any adjusted settings within a selected section will be included in the preset?
    Currently the preference “Replace edits with Preset” will be partly activated by default if you apply more than one preset that includes settings within the same sliders section or if you apply “Auto Enhance” and then add any additional preset.

    Nik Bhatt

    It’s possible but it’s quite tricky. Some adjustments change the look of an image even when they are at default values (for example, Black and White and Vignette).

    Ingvar Thorsson


    I understand, but it is really just the “Tone” section with its multitude of conflicting settings where this is a problem with consequences, the other sections (with the possible exception of “Enhance”) are quite focused and limited in scope by default. Would it be possible to implement a “non default only” option in the Tone section alone?

    Nik Bhatt

    Maybe. I’ve made a note.

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