Odd thing seemed to happen today. I exported about a dozen photos from Nitro to a folder as HEIC10 images. When I went to Finder not all the files had thumbnails, but some did. Thought I had done something stupid, exported again, same thing happened, same files without thumbnails. The files open OK and seem fine apart from the lack of a Finder thumbnail.
I then exported as jpegs and all the Finder thumbnails were fine.
It got weirder as I added the meta data I wanted to and imported them into Photos. I then shared the set by using an iCloud Link. I checked that it worked in Safari, clicked download for one of the files, and it still didn’t have a Finder thumbnail. So it seems whatever the problem is, it is persistent…
This has only happened with Nitro, but is it a Nitro problem? I don’t know. Any thoughts?
John Perry