Different export/share functions in Mac and iAd

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    So when I am using Nitro for macOS I
    when I want to export I have 3 options to export
    1. Save new image to Photos library
    2. Save a new image to your Mac
    3. Copies original and rating/adjustments metadata to a folder on your Mac.
    Additionally in the menubar -> Image -> edit in other app, to sent original, tiff or jpeg.

    In Nitro for iPadOS there are more options like the 4th one:
    4. Share original and rating/adjustments metadata to another app.
    I would very much like to have this option also on the Mac version.

    Is that possible ?



    Typo In the Title, but I cannot change that?

    “iAd” must be iPadOS”


    Nik Bhatt

    It might be possible. The share system on Mac is a little finicky. The reason the feature isn’t there is because on the Mac, you have full access to the file system. So since you can output the original + metadata to a folder, then moving that to another app is simple. On iOS, that’s much more difficult / requires more steps. Perhaps I’m missing something – can you tell me why the copy to a folder and then open that in another app is a significant issue (other than it’s an extra step).


    Thanks for the explanation.
    I think it’s mostly the extra step to take. I am so used to “sent to” or “open in” that I almost forgot the possibility for an extra step. (I can also assign a folder which automatically sends new pictures to another app). However I mostly use the other apps for object-removal, dehaze- and noise-reduction and add meta-and ipct-data. So would prefer to do that directly, and have the same picture available in the same folder as it was. So that I don’t have to allow another folder for Nitro to see that picture easily in browse-mode with the extra info and avoiding 2 Versions of that picture, needing to rename or tag them to know the difference.
    Need to rethink my workflow -;).

    Nik Bhatt

    I guess I don’t understand the workflow. The other app cannot understand most of the metadata sent via XMP, so it’s mostly just working with the original. Can you not use the External Edit function and send the original?



    Hai Nik,
    You are quite right, that’s why I wrote “I need to rethink my workflow” -;)
    Valuable extra info about the xmp-data, I already wondered (by trial and error)…. So I have found a work around with sending at least an edited Image to Affinity photo including the Nitro edits as jpeg or .tiff and perform some extra actions (like changing/adding some and iptc-data and object removal en some other things. After editing I can have this image saved back (preference setting in Affinity) to the “original” Nitro-folder. So that is fine. After all I don’t need those actions all the time luckily.
    Thanks for your feed back.

    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by BenB.
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