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    Nik – congratulations on Nitro! Despite only having used it for only a short while, it is evident that you’ve created a terrific application. The available adjustments are quite comprehensive; they provide every one I regularly use. The user interface is very good; it is well thought out, easy to work with and legible (perhaps my age is showing but it seems as though some applications UI’s are much too small.) I have a large (for me) project coming up and will be using Nitro for it. I have created a few small applications myself and am impressed and envious that you created Nitro working alone.

    I’ve only experimented a little with your implementation of masking, which was a significant omission (for me) in RAW Power. I’m interested in using it more.

    As for Nitro’s roadmap, do you expect to add soft proofing of ICC profiles?

    I sometimes use a feature provided by some photo editing applications which allow for more than one variant of an original to exist. With Nitro, which I’ll be using with photographs in Finder, I expect I will make a copy of the original in Finder and work with that. Perhaps you have thought of a better way to work; if so, let me know.

    Thank you for making Nitro available. I’m looking forward to using it more extensively.

    Derek Vallintine

    Nik, I am using Photomechanic 6 and presently I can view an image in this software and then open up the image in RawPower. Can I do this with Nitro and if so how?

    Nik Bhatt

    Thank you David for the kind words. It’s been a long road (2+ years) and I’m glad that people like what I’ve built.

    Soft-proofing is on the list, but it’s not on the near term list.

    As far as versioning, I have some ideas about that. For now, if you duplicate the image in the Finder, AND you are using APFS, there is no disk space consumed, so that is a good way to go.

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 2 weeks ago by Nik Bhatt.
    Nik Bhatt

    Opening a single image for editing is not a feature in Nitro. It might be something I add in the future, but I don’t know. It’s a bit odd because of the non-destructive approach (there is no explicit Save).

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