Auto levels & curves question

Home Forums Nitro for iPhone and iPad Auto levels & curves question

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    Hi Nik,

    I notice that there’s a difference between auto levels/curves between the Auto Enhance operation, and when you click the auto button in the panels.

    When using the Auto Enhance feature, it gives a multi-point curve in Curves, and also re-position the middle adjuster in the Levels panel.

    As you say, Auto Enhance can make a good starting point.

    However, if you tweak a few things and perhaps want to finish with the Curves (or Levels) being re-adjusted to account for the other adjustments, the Auto button only gives a black/white points setting, leaving a straight curves line. Similarly, with the levels the middle adjuster remains centralised (although I’m not sure what’s happening if it’s simply moved along with the same adjustment made).

    I’m wondering if that’s intentional, or an oversight, or even a limitation of the OS?



    Nik Bhatt

    The Auto Enhance algorithm works differently from the one in Levels/Curves as you have found. It’s possible to extract JUST the Auto Enhance curves effect out, but the idea for Auto Enhance is to apply multiple effects together to produce a good result (such as curves + shadows + vibrancy, etc.). I have not looked into doing that, but I can add it to the list for consideration.


    OK, thanks Nik.

    To be honest, I would have expected auto curves/levels to behave the same however it was applied. For comparison, the Auto button (on the curves tool) in Apple Photos does provide a multipoint curve adjustment.


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