Apparent demosaic errors for Fujifilm compressed RAF

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    Just yesterday, I purchased RAW Power … specifically because of its ability to process compressed Fujifilm RAF images (from an X-H1).

    Uncompressed RAFs look fine, but compressed RAFs load with strong, magenta to blue tints over the entire image.

    I am running MacOS 11.4.

    Any hints?

    Thanks for reading, and any help you can give.


    Nik Bhatt

    Hi, sorry about the issue with compressed RAF. There is a bug with compressed X100V images. I have a fix for that and will ship it ASAP.

    Are you using that camera or a different one? If it’s different, which one is it?




    Thanks for the speedy reply.

    I am using an X-H1, firmware version 2.11. I should update to 2.12, I guess, but apparently that update is only for compatibility between the X-H1 and a lens I don’t have (70-300), so I don’t think that’s the issue.

    Let me know if I can provide any other info that’d be helpful in any way. Thanks again.

    Best regards,

    Nik Bhatt

    X-H1 images are decoding correctly for me here. Please email me at – I will send you a link to upload an image so I can try to reproduce the problem.

    Also, what version and platform are you using (macOS / iOS and the complete version number of the OS)? I’m finding issues in older versions of macOS & iOS. Those problems disappeared when I went to macOS 11.4 and iOS 14.6.



    Well, I just looked again, to see which would be a good example to send you, and … it looks fine, now. I don’t have any idea why. I’ve restarted, and gone between an external monitor and the laptop screen only. But those seem unlikely as explanations.

    I guess it was just user error.

    I apologize for the false alarm. I don’t know what was happening. Some weird setting somewhere. Shrug.

    Again, thanks for the swift reply, and my sincere apologies for a wrong report of an error.


    Nik Bhatt

    No problem. That’s strange that it just started working, unless perhaps a new OS version was installed between then and now.



    No new OS in between. One other thing I thought of, an ulikely explanation but … possible:

    Before I went back to generate the example, I accessed RAW Power as an extension from Photos (via the “…” button in the Edit pane of Photos), which I *had not done* while I was seeing the weirdly toned images (I had used RAW power standalone, then). Maybe that “helped” get everything set?

    It’s weird. I write wonky, statistical code in my day job, so I try to be very careful in checking things before I go whining to a developer. But there ya go. I dunno.

    Thanks again, and I look forward to using RAW Power.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by ceedave.
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