Reply To: Adjustments lost after renaming raw files

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Erik Brammer

Hi Nik,

thanks a lot for your swift feedback as usual. Indeed, if items 1 and 2 above are resolved, file creation dates don’t necessarily need to be messed around with, and it will greatly enhance the usability of Raw Power for processing larger series of images. In my most recent case, it was about 270 images to start with, ending up with 180 images I kept, and I could do the necessary adjustments on those very fast.

Back to my original post, in the future, I will first only do a quick screening of a series of images I want to keep, then rename, and only then start to do adjustments in Raw Power. Even if later I want to delete another few images, I prefer to live with the “holes” in the sequential numbering of my custom renaming rather than sticking with the original file names that came from cameras and phones.

Best regards,