Reply To: RAW files underexposed – Fujifilm

Home Forums Nitro for iPhone and iPad RAW files underexposed – Fujifilm Reply To: RAW files underexposed – Fujifilm

James Muspratt

Thanks for posting this. I love Fuji but yikes this is uncertain territory.

For the past year I’ve been shooting RAW on my Fuji X-S20 and then converting the RAFs to DNG before importing to Apple Photos / Nitro. I thought that conversion was required for Apple Photos to read the RAWs at all. Turns out…

– Apple Photos can read .rafs if they were shot as Uncompressed
– Nitro can read/edit everything

Secondarily, I’ve been wondering why my DNGs are so dark and what (if any) critical info I’ve been throwing away by converting to DNG. It’s surprisingly hard to get a straight answer on this from the web. But for what it’s worth here are 3 exposures and the 9 files produced from them for comparison.

– My DNGs are always darker than the RAFs
– Lens correction is subtly different across RAF, DNG, and JPG (probably it’s not coming through from RAF to DNG).

Apple Photos (10.0)

Nitro (2024.10)

(Fuji firmware 3.0.0. Adobe DNG Converter