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Home Forums Nitro for Mac The way things work? Reply To: The way things work?

Nik Bhatt

The “four-way control” has the following: Quick Fixes; Presets/LUTs, Sliders, Masking. This is described in the user manual that people kept asking for. You can find the current (incomplete) manual here. I will update it as I go.

Presets and Auto Enhance manipulate other parts of the editing system, including sliders and masking. Yes, everything you do in a preset or auto enhance is represented somewhere else (as is typical for such operations).

Presets save what they need to save. They don’t save unchanged values. Batch operations are the same. However, that is an implementation detail.

On iOS, the standard model is a Select button combined with some other button (Share or Batch in Nitro). On Mac, such things are not necessary. You select items with the mouse + shift / command. Then you pick menu items or right-click to bring up a context menu. Nitro uses the correct user interface paradigm on each platform – you will not find the same controls in the same places.