Trouble exporting

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    Hi, I’m having issues exporting files. When the first file / batch of files I send for export after opening the programme are processed nearly instantly. But any files I send after that get stuck with the spinning circle. If I shut down the programme and reopen it, resend those same files, they are now processed instantly. This has been an ongoing issue.

    I’m running RP 3.04 on Catalina 10.15.6 on a 2019 27 inch “basic” iMac.

    Thanks for your help!

    Nik Bhatt


    I’m sorry you are encountering problems exporting more than once. I’m not aware of this issue, so I will need to investigate it before I can give you any suggestions. Thanks for letting me know.


    Nik Bhatt

    I tried some exports today and was not able to reproduce the failure that you are encountering. I suspect that you are hitting an error case inside the code and it’s not cleaning up afterward.

    Three things:
    1) When you do the first export, when it finishes, the task toolbar icon should return to an empty circle (it also shows progress as a pie chart). Does it do that?
    2) The second export – do you see a spinner in the task toolbar icon, or a pie chart? A spinner would indicate a stuck export.
    3) Have you found any particular combination of images or export options either works 100% or fails 100%?


    Thanks for looking into this!

    In answer to your questions:
    1. Yes, the task toolbar icon does return to an empty circle when the initial export is complete (and shows a pie chart whilst the export is taking place)
    2. I see a spinner.
    3. I haven’t noticed any useful pattern. The issue has been ongoing for some time now, and I have experimented with several options: 1st export with many files, 1st export with just one file, ditto with 2nd export, various combinations of 1st and 2nd export being freshly edited – edited some time previously but since the application was last opened – not edited since the application was opened. None of these seem to have an effect. Yet the 2nd export regularly gets stuck, but will export instantaneously if I close down the programme and reopen it.

    I’m working on files from a Canon 100d, so max 18mp, or a Canon 450d – so not particularly large files.

    Thanks for your help,

    Erik Brammer

    Hi Nik,

    today I encountered a strange thing with RAW Power 3.0.4 running on my iMac 27″ 2020 on Mac OS 10.15.6. I had edited 7 jpgs in an Album in my iCloud Photo Library, then selected those 7 images to export jpgs versions with the adjustments done into my photo archive. I selected these images in the film strip, right-clicked for the context menu, selected Export, and then the error message came up saying “RAW Power can only export images at this time. There are no images selected for export.” But there was nothing but those 7 jpgs in the film strip. I will email you a screen shot.

    I think I have identified a certain behavior: When I select the images in the film strip by expanding a rectangle over those images using the mouse, then select export, I get the error message. If, however, I select a first images, then shift-click the last image to create the selection, export works fine.

    Just wanted to share this here in case someone comes across that same error and needs a workaround.

    Best regards,

    Nik Bhatt

    Hi Erik,

    Yes, I just noticed this as well today. If you drag select in the grid, and none of the images has the double-border (the primary selection), then the app gets confused. In the screenshot you sent me, all of the images have the same thin selection border. I will try to fix that in 3.1.

    Nik Bhatt

    Hi Erik,

    Yes, I just noticed this as well today. If you drag select in the grid, and none of the images has the double-border (the primary selection), then the app gets confused. In the screenshot you sent me, all of the images have the same thin selection border. I will try to fix that in 3.1.

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