I want to resize or crop a Tiff image into a jpeg image 3840x 2160 pixels. I want to show the image on a television so I select 16×9 format and then type in the two sizes and then the image becomes a very large image resulting in half the image disappearing.
Can someone tell me how to do it?
If you are doing these actions outside of the crop tool, then the app will choose what portion of the image to use for the 3840×2160, and it is probably the left part of the image.
I suggest this instead.
1. Open the crop tool
2. Set the aspect ratio to 16:9
3. Type the size into the text fields
4. Position the crop box.
1. Open the crop tool
2. Set the aspect ratio.
3. Position the box
4. Export but choose a custom size of 3840 x 2160.