I usually shoot jpeg. As I learn more and more and read and watach videos, everyone somewhat serious about photography seems to use raw, so today with some time to kill I did a bunch of experiments and tests with Raw. For the record, I have an OM-5 and a panasonic zoom lens (14-140 I think.)
It is said that an unprocessed raw image will look flat and maybe not sharp. Is that correct? When I load an imaege from the camera in to nitro, is the image displayed in such an “unprocessed” state or does Nitro immediately do the basic “processing”.
RAW images without any processing will look flat. They are generally sharp. however.
Most RAW decoders will add some processing in order to make RAWs look pleasing to the eye, Apple’s included. Nitro has a preference that allows you to turn that off and get a more “raw” looking RAW image.
Nitro will decode the image in Edit. In some situations, it will decode it while you are just viewing it. It depends on the state of the “Quick Preview” preference. If Quick Preview is OFF, then it will decode the image before Edit (which is a lot slower).
Many cameras are not supported by Photos and Apple’s decoder. I have a special (unique) way of extending Apple’s decoder, but it only works in Nitro.
So, if you view an image that is not supported by Photos, you usually get a blank thumbnail, and an error in Edit. However, Nitro can both display the thumbnail and edit.
When you save the edits, Nitro saves a new JPEG into the library with the edits. That you can see in Photos.
You may want to read this article I wrote some time ago. It explains some of this.