Feature request: Filmstrip: Selected image always in center of screen

Home Forums Nitro for Mac Feature request: Filmstrip: Selected image always in center of screen


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  • #130109
    Dirk Reckeweg

    When shifting to the next (or previous) image in active filmstrip using arrow keys the selection frame is shifted.
    Please add (an option) to always keep a selected image in the center of the screen (do not shift the selection but shift the strip) as it is in Apple Fotos. This makes it much more easier to see similar images around and to choose them for N-up Mode.
    Thanks in advance,

    Nik Bhatt

    Earlier in the app’s development it worked that way, but other beta testers were unhappy with that behavior. That’s because the image moves, and it made people have to hunt around the image. I will note your request, but I can’t promise anything.

    Dirk Reckeweg

    would be fine to have a switch in “settings” to decide between those two different requirements 🙂

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