Recommended workflow – Halide-(RPiOS)-Photos-RPmac ?

Home Forums RAW Power for iOS General Discussion Recommended workflow – Halide-(RPiOS)-Photos-RPmac ?

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    I am keen on using Halide for capturing raw images on my iPhone and developing them in Raw Power. I know that Halide and RP for iOS offers integration but I find the iPhone screen too small for editing. So I am wondering about getting them into RP for mac via Photos, but don’t want Photos raw processing to interfere along the way, nor do I want Photos to substitute a jpg for the Halide raw image when I later pick it up. If I start in RP iOS and save as non-destructive would I be able to continue later in RP mac on the same file, or would photos have done something along the way? Or is there even any point in starting on RP iOS if I expect to pick it up in RP mac?

    Just wondering what you recommend.


    Nik Bhatt

    Since Halide uses the photo library, if you use iCloud Photos, then the images will get synced to your Mac and you can use RAW Power there (or Photos). iCloud will send the original RAW.

    If you aren’t using iCloud Photos, then you can import them from your phone to the Mac. Photos will import the RAW as well. There will not be any conversion to JPEG as long as you use Photos to import the images (vs. using share or some other means).

    If you start in RAW Power for iOS and then save as non-destructive, you can continue editing on the Mac with RAW Power. That will work when using iCloud, which will sync both the editing data and original image. If you don’t use iCloud, then it’s “possible” to import the editing data from iOS, but Photos is very unreliable in this regard (I have no idea if it even works with the latest OS – it’s that sketchy).


    Okay, very helpful. Thanks for clarifying!

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