RAW Power 3.1 Beta Signup (closed)

Version 3.1 is nearly finished and beta testing is now closed.
I will send out an email to the mailing list when the next version is ready for beta testing.

RAW Power 3.1 has a number of improvements including the following:


  1. New: HSL Color Adjustment. 9 built in hues and a custom hue option.
  2. New: External Editor support. Pick images from the Grid and choose Edit > Edit with External App. You have control over the format sent (including the original).
  3. New: Add folders to the Favorites section in the browser.
  4. New: Export Original. If you have an R+J in Photos, it will copy both (N/A for File Browser). You can also use Export Actions (like Open Finder or Photoshop).
  5. New: RAW+JPEG Editing Option. Edit either the RAW or JPEG of a R+J pair in the Photos library.
  6. Improved Export UI. Metadata control, copyright field, Export Actions and additional options.
  7. Improved Adjustment menu. Collapse all adjustments, Expand all adjustments; Collapse All Others and Keep Only One Adjustment Open.
  8. Improved Preset management. Added Reset to Defaults; Import is now cancellable; and you can export more than one preset at a time.
  9. Videos are supported in the File Browser. View, Play, Rate, and Flag (no editing).
  10. Improved Crop and Straighten Interface.
  11. Added Cancel button to the bottom of the Editing interface.
  12. Shot information is displayed below the histogram in Edit.
  13. Improved filtering in Photo Library. Find RAW+JPEG files, filter by date, favorite status, and location status.
  14. Improved filtering in File Browser. Filter by date and file name (full path or just the file name).
  15. Localized in German and Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong).


  1. New: HSL Color Adjustment. 9 built in hues and a custom hue option.
  2. New: Export Original. If you have an R+J in Photos, it will copy both (N/A for Files.app).
  3. New: RAW+JPEG Editing Option. Edit either the RAW or JPEG of a R+J pair in the Photos library.
  4. Improved Export UI. Metadata control, copyright field, Destinations and additional options.
  5. Improved Preset management. Import and Export presets to share between machines or between iOS and Mac.
  6. Added Cancel button to the top of the Editing interface.
  7. Improved Crop and Straighten Interface.
  8. Improved filtering in Photo Library. Find RAW+JPEG files, filter by date, favorite status, and location status.
  9. Improved filtering in File Browser. Filter by date.
  10. Localized in German and Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong).