Thank you Rick and Nik.
If it was a simple choice, I would have selected one already. 🙂
With Aperture proprietary system, in panic, I have not done the cleanest of the exports of the library and I have ended up with a mess of the “library”. I was frustrated almost to the point to give up on photography (which I did for couple of years). So, I am with Rick on issue of file handling.
I still have to deal with serious number of duplicates, part of library in Photos, part of the photos (mostly iPhone ones) in second Photos library (synced to iCloud) and half of the photos in a partly structured and partly just a dump folders. Frankly, I don’t even know where and how to start sorting the structure and duplicates. Choice between Photos and File system will greatly influence the methodology in sorting out the duplicates.
Then, there is question of printing. During testing I did not see print option in Nitro and that is something that Photos have on the basic quality level (like everything else in Photos – all bells and whistles and more are there but for mainstream users at best, lacking for HQ use, at least for those of us who want to use ICC profiles for printing and other more elaborate aspects of handling photos).
Another question for me is sharing photos with family and clients. iCloud makes it easy but is there anything out there that does not necessarily involve iCloud?